happy birthday
We celebrate 25 years of existence! Join us and discover our story that we successfully write together.
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April 1993 Start Eva Diešková, Viliam Pančík, Mikuláš Spál and Šarlota Štosová laid the foundations of AB Reavis in Slovakia.
February 1995 Here we are! Ivan Chrenko joined the firm.
March 1996 AB -> HB AB Reavis changed its name to HB Reavis.
November 1997 The first modern business centre in Slovakia Our first business centres Bratislava Business Center I and II in Bratislava came into existence.
October 1999 20,000! We made it! Our business centres Bratislava Business Center III and IV represent the first modern business complex in Slovakia with 20,000 m2 of GLA.
November 2001 Hi, Aupark! We have opened Aupark! This is the beginning of a success story with happy ending that is already happy, but definitely not an end.
2005 Good harvest We built a logistics centre in Rača, Apollo Business Center I and have sold our stake in Aupark. We harvest the fruit of our work.
2006 The future starts now We lay foundations of New Nivy, modern zone in Bratislava – we build City Business Center III.
2007 Logical steps Logistics is our next logical step. We build logistics centre in Svätý Jur.
2007 Hi, neighbours We expand in neighbouring countries.
2008 Higher and further Aupark Tower – check. A new branch in Poland – check. Na zdrowie!
2009 From west to east Logistics centre I and II in Prešov, Apollo Business Center II in Bratislava.
2010 New projects Aupark comes to Žilina and Piešťany.
2011 Shopping in the east After City Business Center III and IV in Bratislava we open the easternmost Aupark in Košice.
2012 A quick year Aupark Tower Košice and the first offices in Prague are ready for use. Aupark Tower in Bratislava is sold. We are going on!
2013 London Calling We are in London! So lets get down to work. We acquire 33 Central.
2014 It’s time for Budapest! We opened our first building in Hungary: Váci Corner Offices is ready to use!
2015 TOP 6 Twin City A in Bratislava as well as a few other projects in Prague and Warsaw are completed. We made it into top 6 office developers in Europe in annual rating carried out by Property EU. Yep!
2016 No pain, no gain We build Twin City B and Twin City C, Aupark Hradec Králové, West Station I and Gdanski Business Center D in Poland. And it is our best sales year.
2016 We bring new trends – again We launch new consulting service Origameo and open co-working centre HubHub.
2017 Flagship projects We develop new projects! Agora in Budapest, Nivy Station in Bratislava, Varso Place in Warsaw. We acquire! Elizabeth House in London. We sell! 33 Central to bank Wells Fargo. We establish a new branch in Berlin. Phew!
2018 Happy birthday We have been here for 25 years. We want everybody to feel comfortable with us. We offer top offices as well as services like hi.bike, concierge, public events. It is only the beginning. Hurray!